*** TOP TEN REASONS WHY WESLEY CRUSHER LEFT THE ENTERPRISE *** By ??? #10) "Crusher? I just met her!" joke got old real quick. #9) Questionable invitations to Captain's Ready Room during uneventful missions. #8) Annoying snickers from crew whenever "Dr. Mom" left a brown-bag lunch at his station. #7) Fake ID never worked in 10-Forward. #6) Holodeck girls always turned him down. #5) Always feared Counselor Troi could tell when he had been touching himself. #4) Found recipe for "Cream of Young Ensign Soup" in Worf's room. #3) Unjustly accused of leaving Data too close to the microwave. #2) Got caught using transporter beam to get into Riker's collection of Romulan adult magazines. And the number one reason why Wesley Crusher left the Enterprise ... "Three's Company" reruns always interrupted by those stupid Federation distress signals. END ===